Friday, December 30, 2016

Staff Picks - The View from the Cheap Seats (Adult Non-Fiction)

The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman

You may know Neil Gaiman from his books for children, like Coraline or Fortunately, the Milk. Or maybe you know him from his works for adults, like the book American Gods or the Sandman comic series.

The View From the Cheap Seats isn't like any of those other books. It's a collection of introductions, articles, speeches, and other miscellany that Neil Gaiman has written or spoken over the years.

The book feels like a long conversation with a friend, complete with interesting episodes from Gaiman’s life and recollections of the many interesting people he has known. Gaiman is a lifelong fan of fantasy, science fiction, and horror and has a lot to say about each of these genres. Give the audiobook a try - it's read by the author and Neil Gaiman is talented at both speaking and writing.

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