Monday, February 15, 2016

Home Improvement Magazines & Back Issues Available Online

True, we've still got a few weeks of winter remaining, but if your thoughts have already turned to spring and updates or improvements you'd like to make around the house, the Forsyth County Public Library has several resources to spark your creativity.

Last week, we provided a booklist of resources on home repair, remodeling, decorating, and organizing your home. Next month, you can join us at the Forsyth Conference Center for Home Improvement on a Budget with Chip Wade and even have a short mini-consultation with Chip about your specific project after his talk.

Today, if you'd rather not leave the warmth and comfort of home to visit the library, we'll show you how to use your library card account and the eLibrary to access home improvement magazines and back issues with Flipster.

What is Flipster?

Flipster is an online resource for dozens of popular magazines, but the current issues and copies of previous issues.

How do I access Flipster?

Getting to Flipster is easy. Here's how:
  1. Start at
  2. Click eLibrary, then click eBooks & eMags.
  3. Click the Flipster logo. If you're using a library computer or tablet, you'll go directly into browsing magazines. If you're at home on using your own device in the library, you'll be prompted to log in with your library card account.
Is there a Flipster app?

You can view Flipster magazines in your browser, or you can use the Flipster app to download them for off-line reading on your phone, tablet, or other mobile device. 

You can download the Flipster app for your device in the Apple App Store or on Google Play.

What home improvement magazines are available in Flipster?

Forsyth County Public Library subscribes to the digital versions of:
  • This Old House
  • HGTV Magazine
  • Southern Living
  • House Beautiful
  • Good Housekeeping
  • Country Living
You can also find magazines on several other topics, such as politics, health, entertainment, lifestyle, sports, and magazines for children.

1 comment:

jade said...
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