Friday, May 19, 2017

#ShelfLife - May 19, 2017

We're going back in the day with some old school posts on our #ShelfLife feed this week.

First, a brown-haired version of the classic Barbie doll appeared with Kimberley Tait's debut novel, Fake Plastic Love.

Then, we unearthed a filmstrip and cassette tape copy of Max's Chocolate Chicken by Rosemary Wells as we were reorganizing the programming workroom for Summer Reading. We bet you haven't seen that unless you were in elementary school or sitting in a library storytime in the late 1980s.

Since we're having such fun, let's keep going! What books or stories do you remember most from childhood? We'd especially like to hear what 80s and 90s kids remember about visiting the library. Leave a comment below or use the #fcplstories hashtag to tell us all about it on Instagram.

Until next week, enjoy living the #ShelfLife!

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