Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Summer Reading Challenges Kids to Build a Better World

Registration for Summer Reading Fun at the Forsyth County Public Library began last Friday, May 26, but it’s this week’s Kick-Off Carnivals that will really get local kids excited about summer reading programs.

Three Free, Family-Friendly Carnivals

Acrobat and entertainer Cameron Tomele will take a break from his shows at The Georgia Renaissance Festival to appear at the Cumming and Hampton Park branches this week.

And, with the larger space and higher ceilings, he can bring two of his acrobatic friends along for two fun-filled Barely Balanced shows at the Kick-Off Carnival hosted by the Post Road and Sharon Forks branches at Forsyth Conference Center on Friday.

Register to Read

“Last summer, about 6,000 kids, teens, and adults registered to participate in the summer reading program and they read more than 60,400 books,” says Program Manager Laura Bradley.

“Each person who registers to participate and completes a summer reading goal will be entered in a raffle drawing for some great prizes: Stars & Strikes gift baskets and gift cards for kids, AMC Theaters gift cards for teens, and adults could win an Apple iPad mini,” explains Bradley.

Library cardholders can register online or at the Ask Us desk of any FCPL branch. Forsyth residents that do not yet have a library card can sign up for a card and for the summer reading program at the same time by visiting the library.

Build a Better World Challenge

The theme of this summer’s program is “Build a Better World” and the library has some pretty specific ideas on the ways everyone can contribute to making the world a better, cleaner, kinder place.

“Each week this summer we’ll be posting challenges on our Facebook Page. We’ll be asking patrons and followers to do simple things that brighten someone’s day, show gratitude for others, help someone in need, or just keep the bonds of our community strong,” explains Bradley.

The first challenge will be announced next week on the FCPL Facebook Page and patrons can join in the challenge by posting photos and comments with the hashtags #BuildABetterWorldChallenge and #FCPLstories and by tagging the library on social media.

Build a Better Library Card

Time is running out on the opportunity for kids to design the library’s new card for children. Entries for the My First Library Card Art Contest must be submitted by June 30.

Entry forms are available online and at the Ask Us desk inside all FCPL branches and winning designs will be selected in two age groups: Pre-K through 5th grade and 6th through 12th grade. Pride will also be part of the prize, as the winners see their creations printed on My First Library Cards when the designs are unveiled in August.

For more information on the Summer Reading Kick-Off Carnivals, the Build a Better World Challenge, or to view a full schedule of summer events, please visit

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