Saturday, November 2, 2024

A Specter in the Stacks at Sharon Forks Library

Something has made its presence known at the Sharon Forks Library. While searching for biographies and books on history in the adult nonfiction section, patrons and library staff have heard the echo of a name….Alice. 

What is this apparition, and why is it here? 

Alice in Libraryland

Alice got old. And as elderly people often do, she reminisced about the wondrous adventures of her youth. No one believes her tales, but she knows they’re true…that she’s more than a character in a children’s novel. 

She started visiting the public library, reading the stories of other “characters,” and wondering how much of their stories are true. Then she started watching and listening to the staff and patrons around her. They all have their own fantastical stories. The Library fulfills her desires in a way Wonderland never could—with its own quirky characters—and Alice will never leave. We’re all mad here.

Brooke Rose
Branch Manager 
Sharon Forks Library 

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