Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Library Limelight: Gabi Santangelo, Information Specialist, Cumming Library

Library Limelight is intended to be a quick read to help FCPL patrons get to know our librarians and staff. We hope you enjoy learning about the people who make our libraries great!

Gabi Santangelo
Information Specialist
Cumming Library

Where is your hometown?
Berkeley Lake, GA
How long have you been at FCPL?
4 years
What other jobs have you had at FCPL?
CSA (Collection Support Aide)
Why did you choose to work in a library?
I remember coming to the library almost every day when I was little and thought it would be wonderful to work here some day.
Describe your job in five words or less.
Can you help me print?
What is unique about your job?
I get to interact with so many different people on a daily basis.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I like that I get to incorporate my love of technology with my job. I also love getting to know our patrons so I can provide personalized service when they visit the library.
What’s the most interesting place you’ve lived or traveled?
I haven’t gotten to travel much, but I love western North Carolina. Asheville is one of my favorite cities to visit. I am planning a trip to Las Vegas next summer.
What are your hobbies?
I love cooking and anything to do with the outdoors. I enjoy fishing and horseback riding. I also have a secret passion for motorcycles, dirt bikes, and fast cars.
What are you reading right now?
Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari
Paper books, eBooks, or audiobooks?
Paper books and eBooks.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I am almost finished with my BS in Computer Science and I’m looking forward to getting my MBA with a specialization in Technology Management.

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