Arianna Huffington is the co-founder, president, and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group. Arianna Huffington was on the fast track to success. She believed the lie like many other successful individuals did that says, sleep is a waste of time and sleep is over-rated.
Ariana had been running on very little sleep and lots of caffeine for too long when her world came to a screeching halt as she collapsed, hit her desk on the way to the floor and broke her cheek bone. Her body shut down which caused her to reevaluate everything. I was surprised to hear how lack of sleep can be deadly.
The first part of this book talks about the problems caused from lack of sleep and our attitude about sleep itself. I liked how she describes the huge shift our culture has made through the years about sleep. It’s the wake-up call.
The second part of the book talks about solutions. Not everything works for everybody but being aware of the warning signs is the first step. I had no idea that fatigue is a warning sign which tells you trouble is brewing in your body. It’s not time to drink more caffeine or work more. It’s time to stop and evaluate your condition. I appreciated the authors transparency. This is an eye-opening read. The author gives lots of helpful information to readers so they can find a way to have more restful sleep. This is a must read for everyone.
Nora St. Laurent
Collection Support Aide
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