Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Library Limelight: Ann Decherd, Branch Manager, Post Road Library

Library Limelight is intended to be a quick read to help FCPL patrons get to know our librarians, staff, and volunteers. We hope you enjoy learning about the people who make our libraries great!

Post Road Library Branch Manager Ann Decherd (second from left) is pictured with her husband and daughters.

Ann Decherd
Branch Manager
Post Road Library

Where is your hometown?
Fort Myers Beach, Florida
How long have you been at FCPL?
11 years
What other jobs have you had at FCPL?
I have been an Information Specialist, an Information Services Supervisor, and a Branch Manager. I have been lucky enough to work at all four branches!
Why did you choose to work in a library?
I always wanted to be a librarian. When I was thirteen years old, I decided to beat the heat one summer and volunteer at the coolest spot on the island. After one summer I was hooked and decided library school was for me. At first, it was all about being surrounded by books. But, as the years progressed, it turned into a love of research and helping others.   
Describe your job in five words or less.
Help staff provide wow moments! 
What is unique about your job?
Serving as a liaison between branch staff, patrons, and leadership team, my job gives me a unique perspective on how to turn challenges into chances to improve our library system.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I love patron interactions at the desk when I have the opportunity to talk about books! I love the concept of on-the-fly book-talks. More often than not, both the patron and I leave with a new author to explore or a genre to try.  
What’s the most interesting place you’ve lived or traveled?
It's not the most exotic, but one of my most favorite places to spend time is Useppa Island, Florida. It is a beautiful private island off the southwest coast with a lot of history. Since you can only get there by plane or boat, it is a quiet spot with no congestion and beautiful beaches.
What are your hobbies?
I am not a hobbies kind of person – not enough patience!
What are you reading right now?
Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal and Fairies of Sadieville by Alex Bledsoe
Paper books, eBooks, or audiobooks?
Between my failing eyesight and the availability to download a book whenever I want (that patience thing!), I love eBooks!  
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I have been a librarian for 31 years (yikes!) and have worked all types of libraries. I have never had more fun or felt I made more of an impact than working at FCPL. It is an amazing library system!