Friday, September 27, 2019

Your Opinion Counts in FCPL's World Languages Survey

Forsyth County Public Library is seeking public input on the development of its World Languages collection in an online survey starting today and ending on Wednesday, October 23, 2019.

"We survey our patrons periodically to better understand what they need and expect from their library; but, in cases like this, we also want to hear from Forsyth residents who aren't current library cardholders," explains Deputy Director Stephen Kight.

FCPL's World Languages collection already includes books in Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish, Tamil, and Telugu. Now the library wants to know if Forsyth residents are interested in reading in additional languages.

"We're inviting people who don't use the library to take this World Languages survey because we want to know if language is a barrier to their use of the library. If we offered materials in a certain language, would more individuals become library patrons so they could check out those materials?" asks Kight.

About the World Languages Collection

Forsyth County Public Library serves a vibrant and diverse community of patrons and hopes to make reading enjoyable and accessible for everyone in the Forsyth community. In fact, adding books in languages other than English has been a priority for the library and its patrons since the early 2000s.

The Cumming Library launched the World Languages collection in March 2003 with the first books in Spanish. Additional Spanish collections were added to the Post Road Library in October 2016 and the Hampton Park Library in April 2019.

Following a 2016 survey of patrons regarding additional languages, new shelving space was dedicated to collections in Hindi, Mandarin, Tamil, and Telugu when the Sharon Forks Library was renovated and expanded in March 2018.

More Free Language Learning Resources

In addition to offering books in languages other than English, Forsyth County Public Library also provides access to free language learning tools.

For example, the Mango online language learning program helps English speakers learn more than 60 other languages. Mango also can be used by speakers of other languages to learn how to speak, read, and write in English.

FCPL's Muzzy online language learning program also teaches English and other foreign languages, but the lessons and vocabulary are tailored to children in preschool and elementary school.

All library card holders are eligible to access these free services at the library, at home, or from a mobile device by logging into the library's website with a library card account.

To browse the World Languages collection, access language learning programs, or apply for a library card, visit the library's website at