Monday, June 22, 2020

Staff Picks: Books to Enjoy While Social Distancing

You'll really appreciate your hand sanitizer after reading this inspiring (and suddenly timely!) historical fiction novel set in an English village during the bubonic plague of 1666.    

A young woman with journalistic aspirations experiences career and romantic setbacks in 1940's London and ruffles the feathers of a stern and opinionated advice columnist named Mrs. Bird. Dear Abby fans will appreciate the behind-the-scenes dramas involved in penning an advice column as well as the outdated advice for young women.  

A husband takes social distancing to the extreme, isolating himself from the world and his own wife in this literary novel about agonizing choices. 

Feel as if you're missing out?  Combat FOMO (Fear of missing out) by focusing on the present to make every moment a lifetime experience using this traditional Japanese concept of mindfulness.  

This slim book poses interesting questions, what if we paid a tax on our happiness?  And how would you gauge someone's happiness? 

For a change of pace, enjoy classic comics featuring Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Snoopy, and the whole gang. 

Use your time at home to beautify your yard while practicing self-care. Create a sanctuary garden using aromatic and medicinal plants. 

Alicia Cavitt
Information Specialist

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