Sunday, August 30, 2020

Staff Picks: Fiction for Introverts

While extroverts may find social distancing isolation difficult, introverts confined in close quarters with their housemates may long for some alone time. If your best conversations are with your own inner voice, the characters in these short fiction novels may be relatable.

Weather by Jenny Offill

Lizzie Benson balances working at a public library while caring for family members and supporting a fringe environmental organization. This slice-of-modern-life story focuses on mental health issues and global concerns. 

Also available as an eAudiobook on OverDrive.

The Circus by Jonas Karlsson

A Swedish baker gains valuable insight after he loses a lifelong friend in a bizarre disappearing act mishap. Fans of The Twilight Zone and psychological fiction will enjoy this one!

 Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

Keiko Furukura is content with her job at the neighborhood convenience store even though her family and friends have different ideas about what she should do with her life. This award-winning Japanese translation has become a favorite of introverts around the globe.

Alicia Cavitt
Information Specialist