Saturday, November 14, 2020

Staff Picks - Hench: a Novel by Natalie Zina Walschots - Adult Fiction

Hench: a Novel by Natalie Zina Walschots

Pure escapism: who doesn’t need a little of it right now? If your idea of fun is watching the latest Marvel movie, firing up your Spiderman game, or gathering with your friends for Dungeons and Dragons, then Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots may be the book for you. Maybe you’re just a bit COVID-tired, like me, and want something completely different. Try this fun ride!

Much like the Netflix series The Boys, but funnier and less sinister, Walschots has turned the superhero genre on its head. Her world contains superhero and supervillain temp agencies and this story is told from a temp’s point of view. Anna, our narrator, is great with spreadsheets and data analytics. While on assignment with a supervillain, she is asked to do fieldwork that quickly causes serious injury. Laid up for months, jobless, and without insurance, Anna begins to seethe at how destructive the superheroes are to the henches, other support personnel, and innocent bystanders. What follows is a fabulous story of revenge. 

While Anna is a wickedly smart, snarky character who will make you laugh out loud at times, she is also fallible. It is not lost on her that her quest for personal justice (revenge?) is harming others in the same way that she was harmed. How far should she take her plan? Be warned: during fight scenes, this story gets fairly graphic. 

Kim Ottesen
Information Services Supervisor

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