Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Library Limelight: Jennifer Forbes, Information Specialist, Hampton Park Library

Library Limelight is intended to be a quick read to help FCPL patrons get to know our librarians, staff, and volunteers. We hope you enjoy learning about the people who make our libraries great!

Jennifer Forbes, Information Specialist

Jennifer Forbes

Information Specialist
Hampton Park Library

Where is your hometown?

I moved often as a child, so I don’t really have a hometown. I’ve lived in Texas, Colorado, North Carolina, and Georgia.

How long have you been at FCPL?

7 years

What other jobs have you had at FCPL?

I was the Information Services Supervisor at Cumming for a couple of years.

Why did you choose to work in a library?

I love helping people find information and great books to read. I never realized how much other work went into the job, but I love it all! 

Describe your job in five words or less.

Other duties as assigned.

What is unique about your job?

I love that every day brings something new and interesting.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I absolutely love helping our patrons of all ages find a new book or series to get lost in.

What’s the most interesting place you’ve lived or traveled?

After college, I traveled with my best friend through England, Wales, and Ireland, living out of a backpack and staying in hostels, and loved every minute of it.

What are your hobbies?

I rescue and foster cats, garden, and do jigsaw puzzles.

What are you reading right now?

Right now I’m listening to This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab and reading An Embarrassment of Witches by Sophie Goldstein

Paper books, eBooks, or audiobooks?

Paper books and eAudiobooks


Anonymous said...

Thank you for helping everyone at the library as well as all those kitties! You have a big heart!

Anonymous said...

What's the little guy's name?

Jennifer said...

This little guy was found crying on my doorstep one rainy morning before work. I brought him in and cleaned him up and named him Poseidon! He was such a fantastic snuggler, always curling up on my shoulder next to my neck. The Humane Society took him into their program, vetted him, and he's in a very happy home with the new name of Cooper. I'm friends with his new mom and get the unusual privilege of seeing him grow up, safe and loved!