Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October 2021 Reading Challenge - Kids' Book Spotlight - Teen Collection

This month we're challenging our staff and our patrons to read books featured in an FCPL Book Club or NextReads Newsletter. The whole family can get in on the fun and join this month's challenge! Take a look at some of these books from our Teen Collections.

Teen Middle (Grades 6-8)

by Melissa de la Cruz

Nothing ever happens in Cara Jefferson-Cho's sleepy little suburban town of North Pasadena. The sun shines every day, the grass is always a perfect green, and while her progressive school swears there's no such thing as bullying, she still feels bummed out. But one day, when Cara is walking home on her own, something strange happens. Cara is being followed by Jack Stalker, one of the heroes in the Thirteenth Fairy, a series of books she loves about a brave girl and her ragtag group of friends who save their world from an evil enchantress. She must be dreaming, or still reading a book. But Jack is insistent--he's real, the stories are real, and Cara must come with him at once! Soon, Cara is thrust into the world of evil fairies and beautiful princesses, sorcerers and slayers, where an evil queen drives her ruthless armies to destroy what is left of the Fairy tribes. To save herself and the kingdom of Westphalia, Cara must find the truth behind the fairytales and set the world back to rights before the cycle of sleep and destruction begins once more.

This title was featured in the February 2021 Teen Middle Reads newsletter!

by Dan Gemeinhart

Twelve-year-old Jonathan Grisby has been sent to the Slabhenge Reformatory School for Troubled Boys, a former lunatic asylum which is currently run by a sadist who enjoys punishing the boys and setting them against each other; but when a lightning strike kills all the adults the boys find themselves suddenly free--and trapped on Scar Island which seems to be sinking into the ocean.

This title was featured in the April 2021 Teen Middle Reads newsletter!

by Tanya Guerrero

Banished from her abusive home for a summer with her estranged grandmother in Barcelona, twelve-year-old Alba feels hope and love while exploring a newly discovered passion for bread baking.

This title was featured in the June 2021 Teen Middle Reads newsletter!

Teen High (Grades 9-12)

by Justin Reynolds

Jack and Kate met, bonding until sunrise over their mutual love of Froot Loops and their favorite flicks. Jack falls--hard. But then Kate dies. Somehow Kate's death sends Jack back to the beginning, the moment they first meet, and Kate's there again. Healthy, happy, and charming as ever. Jack thinks he's losing his mind, but takes the chance to prevent Kate's death. He learns actions are not without consequences when it turns deadly for someone else close to him. Now Jack has to figure out what he's willing to do to save the people he loves.

This title was featured in the September 2021 Teen High Reads newsletter!

by Chelsea Sedoti

When one of his science experiments went wrong, Gideon Hofstadt and his older brother Ishmael blamed the resulting explosion on extraterrestrial activity. Their lie was embraced by the town. As the brothers go to increasingly greater lengths to keep up the ruse and avoid getting caught, the hoax flourishes. There are UFO sightings, close encounters--even abductions! Soon Lansburg, Pennsylvania was invaded--not by aliens, but by believers, Truth Seekers, and, above all, people who looked to the sky and hoped for more. Can Gideon find a way to banish the aliens before Lansburg, and his life, are changed forever?

This title was featured in the July 2021 Teen High Reads newsletter!

by Len Vlahos

Fifteen-year-old Jackie is determined to reclaim her family's privacy and dignity by ending a reality television program about her father's terminal brain tumor.

This title was featured in the March 2021 Teen High Reads newsletter!

You can find book clubs and other programs on our Events Calendar and sign up for our newsletters for more recommendations. 

Stephani Lindsey
Youth Specialist
Sharon Forks Library

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