In a creative burst of inspiration, two teenage misfits craft a cryptic phrase about gold seekers and fugitives and plaster it all over town, exciting residents of Coalfield, Tennessee and beyond. The Coalfield Panic of 1996, as it comes to be called, sparks rumors of a Satanic cult and kidnapping, as well as a real life tragedy that has lasting consequences for the creative duo.
Readers who remember summer months before viral videos and 24 hour news channels will appreciate this nostalgic coming-of-age story about an artistic creation that spins wildly out of control.
The edge is a shantytown filled with gold seekers. We are fugitives, and the law is skinny with hunger for us.
Kevin Wilson
Now is Not the Time to Panic
With April designated as National Humor Month, this is the perfect time to enjoy some funny fiction by Tennessee author Kevin Wilson. I’ve been a Wilson fan ever since reading his 2019 novel, Nothing to See Here, a story about children who have the unusual habit of bursting into flames and their unlikely nanny.
National Humor Month was established in 1976 to highlight the curative power of laughter. Find more funny fiction for adults to lighten your mood or ask a staff member for book recommendations.
Alicia Cavitt
Information Specialist
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