Saturday, July 18, 2020

Kids' Book Spotlight - Easy Graphic Novels

Graphic novels are a fun, captivating way to encourage kids to read. Check out some of these great choices from our Easy Graphic Novel Collection.

by Beth Ferry

Easygoing Fox and anxious Rabbit seem like total opposites. But, somehow, they make the perfect pair! Whether searching for hidden treasure or planting a garden in their own backyard, Fox and Rabbit find everyday magic at every turn. On this first adventure, the pair will discover some new favorite things like sunsets, dandelions, and cotton candy. And they'll face new fears like heights, swimming, and (poisonous!) frogs. Thankfully, there's nothing Fox and Rabbit can't do together!

by Ross Burach

Whether it is best friends picture day or the waggle dance, Bumble and Bee buzz around the pond, trying to engage Froggy in their playful activities--even coming up with a terrifying way to cure Froggy's hiccups.

¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market
by Raul the Third 

Little Lobo, a Mexican American, and Bernabe, his dog, deliver supplies to vendors at the Mercado, a busy border town market.

by Isabelle Arsenault

Albert wants a quiet place to read, but his friends just want to play and now everyone has to figure out how to have fun together.

by Frederic Brremaud

Chipper & Squizzo encounter strange and fascinating sea creatures when they set off on a deep-sea adventure.

Stephani Lindsey
Youth Specialist