Tuesday, June 28, 2022

There's Something Fishy at the Cumming Library!

Meet Merlin, the Cumming Library’s summer mascot! Merlin is a Twin Halfmoon Betta fish with beautiful flowing royal blue fins creating a halfmoon shape. 

The scientific name is Betta splendens but they are often known simply as Bettas (pronounced BAY-tas) or Siamese Fighting Fish. The latter name comes from the fact that the males are especially aggressive and only one male can be in a tank or they will attack each other.

Bettas have what is known as a labyrinth organ which allows them to breathe at the surface of the water. The Halfmoon Betta is native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Merlin shares his aquarium with two sets of snails. They are Assassin (or Bumblebee) snails which are cone shaped with yellow and black stripes. The other two are nerite snails which are the more usual round snail shape and come in many colors, but these are light brown with black dots. 

Merlin has been greeted with excitement by our patrons and staff alike since he arrived earlier this week. Not only does his tank look beautiful on the Ask Us desk, it also brings a sense of calm and relaxation to the Library during our busiest time of year. The other day a child was feeling upset in the children’s area, but Merlin came to the rescue and calmed her down as soon as she saw him. 

Did you know that you can train a fish?! It may require patience (but what dog owner doesn't understand that?). They can be trained to follow a hand or finger, swim through a hoop, and push a Ping-Pong ball around the tank.

So, if you are at the Cumming Library, stop by and say hello to Merlin and join in all of our Oceans of Possibilities themed fun!

Joan Dudzinski
Information Services Supervisor
Cumming Library

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